I am a virtualist, designer, and researcher.

My work shapes products,  services, and experiences that delight and inspire. Over the past decade, I have researched, designed, and prototyped tangible interfaces, games, and virtual reality technologies in collaboration with museums, governments, artists, and technologists.

I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Human-Computer Interaction at Georgia Tech. My primary focus is in stewarding businesses and communities to create virtual environments suited to their own unique needs. I'm interested in the connections between virtual spaces, the communities that build them, and how they onboard new users.  

I am also a b-boy, brother, and builder of elaborate cardboard boats.

As an artist specializing in virtual art and a cultural technology hacker, I explore the relationship between people, place, and technology. I aim to create innovative experiences that make virtual reality accessible, helpful, and usable to a broader audience. The creation of virtual worlds is an art that challenges and enriches me. This challenge also fuels my love for teaching virtual placemaking. I work with creative technologists, institutional partners, and the public to create and program immersive virtual worlds for impact and immersion.

I am a designer who analyzes emerging use patterns of new media technologies in the lives of everyday people. Whether training 70+ museum staff in prototyping virtual worlds with recycled materials or facilitating multidisciplinary design processes for violence prevention in conflict zones, I have experience leading diverse stakeholders in complex design contexts. Having worked with NGOs and government agencies, I have honed skills in project management, agile tactics, and resource mobilization.

I spent the first years of my professional life as a social scientist studying conflict, development, and creative communities of practice in Central America. As a Fulbright Scholar, I researched how hip-hop artists leveraged institutional resources in response to gang violence in urban Honduras. I am passionate about better understanding people's lives, stories, and compelling concerns. I hold participation and observation as the best tools for researching what matters most in the everyday lives of people, places, and products.


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