Cyber Space

Social Virtual Reality

Hubs Cloud

Mozilla Hubs Cloud was used with museums and Virtual Pioneer interns to create their own private, social spaces that work with desktop, mobile, and VR headsets.  These virtual spaces were created from open source 3D libraries, hosted on AWS servers, and composed with the Mozilla Spoke editing tool over the course of the summer for holding museum and educational events during the pandemic.  

Ivan Raster Software Lab and Narduli Studio supported the Genesis Innovation Campus who partnered with the Hirshhorn Museum, and the Wende Museum of the Cold War to make these spaces possible.  

Interns built spaces using a liberatory design framework that focused on virtual placemaking for and with a community using history, custom, and museum collections as guiding elements.  


Partners:  Genesis STEAM & Wende Museum
Sponsors: The Brotman Foundation, Michael Muller, and SlideShow

Mentors: Jordan Caldwell, Michael Balot-Garza, and Watson Hartsoe
Interns: Matthew Kassorla, Dexter LaViolette, and Chris Crawford

Made In: Mozilla Hubs, Mozilla Spoke, Minecraft, Blender
with help from: Miro Boards, Discord Server_"Virtual Pioneers"